Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I heart JONAS!! :D

This is my 1st post after a year making a blog.. :P

I don't really know what 2 put in this blog cuz i'm not the kind of person who talks about my life..
I think ppl make blogs 2 express their sad n emo feelings... the thing is i hardly get sad or emo or depressed.. :D
I'm a very happy person.. smiling all d time.. :D

My science teacher- Pn. Hasnah said ''you like to smile alot ah.. kamu selalu senyum ah. bagus!''
My friends are like ''EeVonne! ur always like rainbows.. the bright one..''

Maybe I'm bragging here... but who cares cuz i'm effing AMAZING :D


~Jonas Brothers~

~Jonas Brothers~