Monday, June 15, 2009


Lines, Vines and Trying Times!

I was at Ikano yesterday and i pass by Speedy and guess what i saw??!!

Well, obviously, I freaked out!! :P

"The album is out now?!! Its not even out in America yet!"

Soo i went head over heels.. :P

I asked the guy whether they have 'Jonas Brothers' album or not and he was like.. errrrmm hold on a minute..

( I think he tought I wanted their second album which is also called Jonas Brothers :P)

While I was waiting for him, I was freaking out even more, screaming in my heart!

Later, he was searching at somewhere for the album.. I was like,

"You know that album over there-'' *points at the poster*

''Oh, that album! Its not out yet.''

''Ooooh. I knew it. It should be out at June 16/17 for Malaysia :D No worries!''

Soo, I took pictures of me with the JB posters :D

I know I looked wierd.. Come on! I was freaking out!!

Don't forget to request 'Paranoid' and 'Fly With Me' on flyfm and :D

Don't forget to BUY THE ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!

~Jonas Brothers~

~Jonas Brothers~